Friday, June 8, 2018

Protect yourself from sun if you are teen age.

Ultraviolet rays and alcohol from lotions and scented creams are a very damaging tandem, since they dehydrate and can cause spots
By genetic determination and prototype, the body is prepared to withstand ultraviolet rays for a finite number of hours. It is called solar capital and 95% of the population has already exhausted it upon reaching the age of majority. Now that hot days and open-air plans begin, it is important to keep this in mind, as we recall in the following lines.
Everyone seems to know the risks of exposing themselves to ultraviolet (UV) rays without protection: wrinkles, spots, flabbiness, dryness, and melanoma ... Wisdom is not lacking. Unfortunately, we handle the theory fluently, but suspend in practice.

skin cancer with Ultraviolet

The scientific community does not stop sending messages to the society of irreversible damages, which on the health and beauty of the skin causes sunbathing without measure, and to recommend caution and photo protection. "The risk of skin cancer doubles if a person has suffered five or more sunburns in their lifetime, and only 1.3 million cases are diagnosed in the US each year," In our country, according to data from the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV), 95% of the population has ruined their solar capital (the hours that by genetic determination and phototype can be borne without suffering damage) at 18 years. They are chilling figures.

Although the awareness is increasing every day and every time we launch in search of the best equipped golden, it also seems to scare us too much everything we know. We continue committing absurd errors that can easily be remedied. The paradox continues. Hence, experts and laboratories undertake increasingly imaginative and original actions so that we all reach the solar graduate with a note, in theory and in practice.
Shocking experiment: do you know how the sun sees you?
Perhaps one of the most striking actions of the last five years has been Nivea's collaboration with the North American artist Thomas Leveritt. In 2014, he transformed a normal camera into an ultraviolet camera capable of making invisible damage visible to the naked eye. Something like a "see to believe" with the help of a technology called UV videographer, which teaches interactively, truthfully and very clearly the damage that sunlight has caused on the skin and the importance of using photo resists to prevent and mitigate them. Under the title 'How does the sun see you?', The video shows the reactions of individuals of all ages and both sexes when they observed their faces under the ultraviolet spectrum: spots, irregularities, pigmentations.

The experiment has had an impact among adolescents, who are not susceptible to the ultimatum of health, but they are susceptible to the threat of ugliness. By showing them that UV radiation makes their skin more sallow, rough, wrinkled and spotted with spots, they not only intellectualize the importance of photo-protection, but they also take it on emotionally and act accordingly.

This fact can be extrapolated to all age ranges. The idea works and goes through the mantra that using an adequate FPS (SPF) every day, "the index that tells us the capacity of the sunscreen", is the best antiaging. Little by little, it goes from being a slogan very heard and little practiced to an inescapable obligation.

If there is a tan, there is damage

"Tanning is a defense mechanism against ultraviolet rays, whose radiation can alter the DNA of cells, causing cumulative and irreversible damage, such as skin cancer," says Natalia Jiménez, dermatologist at the Pedro Jaén Dermatology Group. Is there no healthy tan? "It can be said that healthy tanning does not exist," concludes the expert. It sounds bad, fatal. Does this mean relinquishing the sun? "No, it supposes that it is necessary to be very applied in solar matter to minimize the damages and to sublimate the benefits, choosing personalized photo protectors to the color and age of the skin and with multiactive filters (that absorb the ultraviolet radiation) of last generation and renewing its application Also avoid overexposure in the middle of the day and wear glasses, wide-brimmed hats and garments with built-in FPS. "
Creams for the sun:
Everything you need to know The great hope for lovers of harmless brown is put in the systemic photo protection, "molecules, still under investigation, that will allow to have a homogenous protection against the sun, regardless of how the product is applied and resistant to sweat, water, etc. The most remarkable is the Melanotan, which would have a hypothetical protective effect in some types of skin cancer and diseases in which the sun exerts a triggering role, "he concludes. It will be something like tanning from within without the UV rays intervening in the process.

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